Flickering pop-up banner using JavaScript
This article is on “how to make a pop-up with a flickering effect using JavaScript”. This effect makes the banner more attractive to get the visitor’s attention. In this tutorial, we will learn how to make a flickering border to the banner.
Easy to implement
Cross browser compatible
Copy & Paste the following code into a new html page
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> /* This script was developed by Satheesh and published on https://www.tutorials2learn.com You are free to use it. You may modify it or customize it. If you use it Please leave this comment without any change. visit https://www.tutorials2learn.com */ var Loop_instance =0; function alternateBorderColor(maxLoop) { Loop_instance ++; var popUpObj = document.getElementById('popUpLayer'); if(Loop_instance % 2 == 0){ popUpObj.style.border = "5px solid #000000"; }else{ popUpObj.style.border = "5px solid #FFFFFF"; } if(Loop_instance<maxLoop){ ShowPopUp(maxLoop); } } function ShowPopUp(flickNum){ var popUpObj = document.getElementById('popUpLayer'); popUpObj.style.display="block"; flicktimes =flickNum; setTimeout('alternateBorderColor(flicktimes);',50) } function ClosePopUp(){ var popUpObj = document.getElementById('popUpLayer'); popUpObj.style.display="none"; } </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> <div id="popUpLayer" style="width:457px; height:310px;position:absolute; left:250px; top:210px; z-index:1000; display:none; background:#FFFF00; " onMouseOver="this.style.border = '5px solid #FFFFFF';" onMouseOut="this.style.border = '5px solid #000000';"> <div style="text-align:right; "><b><a href="#" onClick="ClosePopUp();" style="font-family:verdana;font-size:14px;color:#000000; text-decoration:none;"> CLOSE X </a></b></div> <div><img src="http://www.lipsum.com/images/white_300x250.gif" width="457" height="290"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //specify the flickering Number instead of "30" below. ShowPopUp(30); </script> </body> </html>