Basic terms in Flash is explained in this article. Please note, This is only a beginner’s NOTE BOOK and is completely meant for those who are newbies to Flash. Proper knowledge of these terms are mandatory for a Flash learner.
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In this article you will learn how write a simple JavaScript for loop function.
Following is a sample of “For loop” function:
CSS Padding Properties:
The CSS padding properties define the space between the element border and the element content. Remember, Negative values are not allowed while specifying padding values.
The possible usages are as follows (sample values are given):
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Comments closedIn this tutorial, we learn how to create a simple sound controller using flash. In this, we focus on the Flash sound Object. This article will show how to control an mp3 file in a flash movie. This articles is aimed at the Flash action Script beginners.
- Create a new Flash movie. (File >> New>>Flash Document)
- Save it. (File>>Save)
- Import the sound file. (File>>Import>>Import to Library [*wav OR *.mp3])
- Create/place 2 buttons on the stage (Window>>Components>>User Interface >>Button)
Now our first step of importing the necessary files are completed
Comments closedCSS Color Values for the use in CSS.
This article provides Color codes for the use in HTML and CSS. Below given table is only for reference. This is not a complete list of color values available.