Tutorials2learn welcomes you to tutorial galleries on various topics. Currently we focus on various technologies on web. Our objective is to be the No.1 FREE online tutorial gallary on internet! We have articles on various topics like, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, flash, etc.
Tutorials2learn is a FREE resource gallery. Our topics include articles for beginners, intermediate and for the advanced learners. We hope that, this will help us to build a very rich resource gallery, by mutual sharing of knowledge.
We recommend our visitors, to visiting us back, to get updates on the articles. Forget not to keep referring to your friends and colleagues if you think it is worth to visit this site.
Browse through various articles on scripts, tools, etc.
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About the Author:
The author of this website is Mr. Satheesh K Dominic, who is working as a web developer in one of the IT Software companies in Bangalore. He has designed and developed a number of quality websites including this portal.
“The idea of this website originated from the concept of ‘share and learn’, which gradually turned out to build a good reference manual for all those who aspire to learn web technologies.” –
I always love learning something new. It adds to my pleasure to share it in my blog for all those who lookout for the same. Quite often, it is very difficult to share what we learn with others, but once done, it gives immense joy and adds to the spirit of learning to a great extend.
I dedicate this blog for all those who strive hard to make web a wonderful experience.